Java enum and how to use it-min

Like many things in our daily lives, the initial impression often matters, and programming is not exempted. Programming essentially signifies a list of termed constants. Apart from Java, nearly all other known programming terms have enumeration features. Although Java has the final keyword to signify constants, enumerations were incorporated as an opportuneness to encounter the computer programmer’s several streamlined desires.

If you need to know more about Enum and use it in Java, seek no further than here. Let’s starts with background information about Enum.

Defining Enum

The term Enum is a programming keyword utilized to state an enumeration. It is a distinctive type of keyword that comprises established and termed constants, known as the enumerator lists. Enum is the latest addition to the family of Java.


The purpose of defining Enum is to acquire the basic syntax of the Java programming language and enable you to keep practice your characters in Java programs by giving you the hands-on information to comprehend more about the concept.

A hands-on approach

Enum is a crucial concept of Java. It’s usually best to define an Enum within a namespace for easy accessibility by all namespace categories with the same practicality.

Conversely, Enum plays a role almost similar to that of the class, used to generate a first-hand data type, and the level of existence is equivalent to interfaces, class, or structs. As a result of its categorization, the variable of Enum equals to one of its predefined values.

For beginners, the first Enum is 0 value, and the succeeding Enum values are escalated by 1. Commonly known Enum examples include the days of the week and the compass directions.

For instance, the variables of the subsequent Enum of days in a week, SATURDAY is enumerated as 0, SUNDAY as 1, MONDAY as 2, TUESDAY as 3, and onwards. Additionally, the values of compass directions are noted as NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.

Point to note

Enum is usually a constant, which requires that an Enum variable is denoted in uppercase letters.

Enum and Java types

In the designing program language in Java, you code the Enum type by applying the Enum keyword.
For instance, you can definite an Enum type in a day of the week as an Enum says.

enum week {


You can apply the types of Enum in any situation you desire to signify a set of fixed factors. This use of Enum covers ordinary Enum types like the appearance of the planets in astral structure and datasets where you need to know all the potential values at the time of compiling—for example, the understanding of the flag lines, selections of a menu, and so forth.

Java types inform you of the course of value commencing attainment of a variable. In Java programming language, you can identify types for:

• Variables,
• Class fields,
• Parameters, and
• Return values.

Naturally, you can encrypt information defined by the components of one or more diversified Enum types.
Legitimate actions.

For a specified type of Java, one specific operator is utilized. For instance, an accurately paired value can be shared, increased, and curved into a string. Here, we use a string to signify precise prefixes or suffixes, concatenated, or define the length.

An Enum’s values can be converted or tuned, such as converting into an integer or turning into a string.
Primitive and non-primitive types of Java.

Java primitive types comprise of Enum in-built to the Java programming language. Java primitive types include double, char, boolean, short, float, int, long, and byte.

Java non-primitive types are often the types you may encounter or use in your Java programming language. These types are usually defined by Java’s standardized libraries or our coding practices. However, it would help if you avoid unnecessary mistakes when specifying a dimension when using these types.

Type Coercion

This type includes a variable associated with one type, but it can be changed into another type. For example, you drop a fractional element if you have a double-precision value and want to turn it into an integer.

Parameterized types

These are the types that are defined in the form of another type. The most common examples of parameterized types are gathering types that rely on the type of content. Now that you know more about java types. Let’s discuss how to use Enum in Java.

Defining Java Enum

The Enum can be characterized inside or outside the class since it is like a class. The semicolon (;) toward the edge of the Enum constants are discretionary. An Enum is utilized to make our information type like classes.

The Enum information type (Listed Information Type) is utilized to characterize an Enum in Java. In contrast to C/C++, Enum in Java is quite impressive. Here, an Enum can characterize an Enum either within the class or in the class’s interior.

Enum can enable you to give terms to java information and refer to the terms in your code and convert the names into their supplementary values. Enum in Java also compares terms and outline operations based on the names.

Simplified example:

enum Sex {



enum Province{

Java variables when you are using Enum:

  • Sex sex
  • Province province
  • Causes error: sex = province

How to use Enum in Java

Java Enum within a class acquires the Enum class, limiting its ability to acquire an additional class. However, it can actualize numerous interfaces. Common examples of Enum in Java include fields, constructors, techniques, and fundamental strategies.

You can indicate custom qualities with Enum constants in your presentation. In the accompanying code, you have determined a few qualities. In any case, to complete this guideline, you should proclaim a private part factor and a private constructor.

Use of values() and valueOf () Methods

The Java compiler within a class adds the value() strategy when it makes an Enum. The value() strategy restores a cluster containing all the estimations of the Enum.

The Java compiler within a class adds the valueOf() technique when it makes an Enum. The valueOf() technique restores the estimation of given consistent Enum.

The Java compiler inside adds the ordinal() technique when it makes an Enum. The ordinal() technique restores the file of the Enum esteem.

Java Enum as a Class

Even though Java specification is of the class type, we don’t utilize the new catchphrase to start up it. The relationship of a class as its rule configuration gives it some phenomenal ability. It tends to be utilized like some other ordinary classes in Java.

You can proclaim a constructor, characterize part factors and strategies, and even execute an interface. When you make a list consistent, an object of that sort is created. When the constructor is conjured, the specification constants are introduced.

This implies that every count object has the duplicate of its part factors characterized by it. Subsequently, it tends to be said that after two list statements are remarkably unmistakable.

Benefits of using Enum in Java

The use of an Enum in Java has several benefits. These benefits are outlined as follows:

  • Enum can help you evade apparent constants and common names of the group.
  • You can effectively use Enum for bitwise actions by enabling you to consider the values that facilitate encoding instead of combinatorial constants or names.
    If your Java programming does not support Enum, you are at liberty to apply cautiously termed universal constants.
  • Enum can influence compiler testing.
  • Enum enables you to enumerate values with prefix providing type Enum if you do not have a class prefix.
  • Enum is always explicit in handling nearly all values for Java programming.
  • It can also mark default Enum value unlawful.

A recap of Enum and its use in Java

  • An Enum addresses a consistent number, and an Enum type is known as a particular sort named constants.
    You can’t announce your burn as a fundamental information type for Enum objects since roast stores Unicode characters, yet Enum objects information type must be number.
  • An Enum can’t be gotten from some other kind besides type byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong.
  • As a matter, of course, Enum is a fixed class and adheres to all the principles that a fixed class follows, so no class can get from Enum, for example, a fixed kind.
  • The Enum type is certainly gotten from the system. Enum, and thus, you can’t unequivocally get it from the system.
  • Enum is additionally gotten from three interfaces IComparable, IFormattable, and IConvertible.
  • Various predefined change techniques can be utilized to change over Enum from one information type to another.
  • More than one Enum individual can be instated an equivalent steady worth.
  • An Enum goes about as a steady, so its worth can’t be changed once instated.
  • The Enum name ‘value__’ is held and can’t be utilized.

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