Calculating Factorial in C++

Calculating Factorial in C++

We will use C++ to write programs to calculate the factorial of a number. We will take the number as an input from the user and then print the factorial of that number in the console. We will use two methods to calculate the factorial of the number, the first is by performing iteration with the help of loops, and the second is by using recursion.

Working with C++ Arrays-min

Working with C++ Arrays

Arrays in C++ are one of the most important user-defined data types in C++. They can be used to store a large amount of data of the same data type sequentially. C++ also supports N-Dimensional arrays that can be used for problem-solving in scientific computing. For example, we can use the 2-Dimensional array of C++ to create a matrix, and they have wide usage in NLP, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. If you want to know more about the basics of c++ arrays, you can follow our step-by-step beginner guide on arrays in C++.

Linked List in C

Linked List in C++

It’s always never too late to learn new skills. Let’s take some time and look at this fundamental and useful data structure in our daily lives. What is a linked list in C++? It’s a type of data structure that uses pointers for its implementation. It will be very wise for you to also look at pointers if you have not yet since they will give you a deeper understanding of the Linked List. Nevertheless, I will try as much as possible to make this simple and understandable.

C++ Stack

Stack in C++

The true essence of learning a language is getting familiar with data structures in that language. Data Structure is a fundamental concept as programming is all about storing data, retrieving data, and dealing with data types. The most common data structure we come across is an array. An array is a basic abstract data type that linearly holds data.

C++ Arrays with examples

Arrays in C++ with examples

Arrays are a widespread concept in many programming languages. Before heading into the concepts, let’s understand what Arrays are and why they are so important? Suppose we need to make a program to store the names of five fruits, namely orange, mango, banana, apple, and grapes. All the fruits would have the same type, i.e., a string but stored in different 5 variables. We use an array to solve this problem, so an array is a data structure that holds fixed-size elements of the same data type.