Custom Signals in Django

Custom Signals in Django

Django comes with many features out of the box, and they’re all ready to use and combat tested. But, on the other hand, Django signals are one of the most underappreciated out-of-the-box capabilities Django offers. Django Signals is a technique for notifying detached applications when particular events occur.

Single Object Mixins

SingleObjectMixin in Django

Many capabilities are built-in to Django’s class-based view, but you may need to use some of them individually. You could want to construct a view that renders a template for an HTTP response, but you can’t use TemplateView; Maybe you need to render the template POST on it and get the GET to accomplish what you want.

Model Formsets in Django

Model Formsets in Django

ModelFormsets are a more advanced approach of dealing with numerous forms built using a model and using them to construct model instances in Django. In other words, ModelFormsets are a collection of Django forms. For example, you might want to create many forms on a single page, each of which may require multiple POST requests.

Template Tags in Django

Template Tags in Django

Django Web Framework includes many tags used to create arbitrary logic in the template. Tags are used in the rendering process to give arbitrary logic. A tag can, for example, print material, act as a control structure (e.g., an “if” statement or a “for” loop), retrieve content from a database, or even give other template tags access. Tags are formatted as follows:


What are Mixins in Django

When you mix generic views with Mixins, their true power emerges. A mixin is another class you create and whose methods your view class can inherit. Assume you want the additional variable ‘page_title’ in the template to appear in every view. You create a mixin using this method and let your views inherit instead of overriding the get_context_data method each time you develop the view.

Creating a Custom User Model in Django

Creating a Custom User Model in Django

The built-in User model and authentication functionality in Django are fantastic. For a long time, it’s been a Django mainstay. It is Django’s source of preference over alternative web frameworks like Flask, FastAPI, AIOHttp, and others. When a username and password contained in the user model need to be authenticated against a service other than Django’s default, authentication backends provide an expandable system.