Converting Array to List in Java

The two most significant data structures in Java are Array and List. We’ll learn how to convert a Java Array to a List in this section. We’ve also written Java applications that use several Java techniques to turn an Array into a List.

Java array to list conversion

An array in Java is a container for multiple values of the same data type. Objects and primitive types can both be stored in an array. The array’s definition determines it. The array’s values are stored in the same memory address if the array definition is of primitive type. If a collection contains object elements, the heap section is used to store them.

A List is a collection of interfaces in Java that belong to the Java Collections framework. It maintains the insertion order while storing elements in the form of objects in an orderly way. Further, it enables us to keep track of duplicate values.

The List interface is implemented by the classes ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, and Stack. The following are the five methods available in Java for converting an Array to a List:

  • Native Method or the Brute force method
  • Using Arrays.asList() Method
  • Using Collections.addAll() Method
  • Using Java 8 Stream API
  • Using Guava Lists.newArrayList() Method

Using the native method

It is the most straightforward way to convert a Java Array to a List. In this technique, we first build an empty List and then add all of the array’s elements to it. Let’s have a look at an example.

 import java.util.*;   
public class ArrayToList
  public static void main(String args[])   
    //creating an array   
    String languageArray[] = { "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "Kotlin", "Java", "C++", "Ruby", "Swift", "Go"};   
    //prints the array before conversion  
    System.out.println("Languages Array before conversion: "+ Arrays.toString(languageArray));   
    //call to the generic method responsible for  converting Array into List  
    List<String> languagesList = ArrayToListConversion(languageArray);   
    //print the Languages List   
    System.out.println("Languages Array as List: " + languagesList);   
  //call to the generic method responsible for  converting Array into List  
  public static <T> List<T> ArrayToListConversion(T array[])   
    //creating the constructor of the List class  
    List<T> langList = new ArrayList<>();   
    //using the for-each loop in  iterating throught  the array elements
    for (T t : languageArray)   
      //adding each element to the List  
    //returns the list converted into Array  
    return list;   

Using arrays.asList() method

It’s a method in the Java Arrays class, which is part of the Java.util package. When we combine the asList() and Collection.toArray() methods, we have a bridge between array- and collection-based APIs.

The syntax is as follows:

public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a)

The method takes an array as a parameter, which is used to back up the langList. The supplied array is returned as a serializable fixed-size list view. Let’s have a look at an example.

import java.util.*;   
public class ArrayToList
  public static void main(String args[])   
    //creating an array to be converted  
    String languageArray[] = { "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "Kotlin", "Java", "C++", "Ruby", "Swift", "Go"};   

    //prints array before conversion  
    System.out.println("Language Array before conversion: "+ Arrays.toString(languageArray));   
    //call to the generic method responsible for  converting Array into List  
    List<String> langList = ArrayToListConversion(languageArray);   
    //prints the List  
    System.out.println("Language Array after conversion: " + langList);   
  // Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
  public static <T> List<T> ArrayToListConversion(T arr[])   
    //invoke the method asList() and pass the array to be converted  
    List<T> langList = Arrays.asList(languageArray);   
    //returns the list  
    return langList;   

Using collections.addAll() method

It’s the Java Collections class’s function. It’s part of the Java.util package. addAll() is a method provided by the class. The method can be used to transform an Array into a List. It populates the provided collection with all of the elements. Elements can be specified singly or in the form of an array. It’s the same as Arrays.asList(elements) + c.addAll(Arrays.asList(elements) + c.addAll(Arrays.asList(elements))

It is a quicker implementation than the previous one.

The syntax is as follows:

public static <K> boolean addAll(Collection<? super K> c, K... elements)  

It takes two parameters into account:

  • c: It’s a set of elements that need to be added to.
  • elements: The elements must be placed in c.

If the collection changed due to the call, it returns true. The following exceptions are thrown:

  • UnsupportedOperationException is thrown if the parameter c does not support the add operation.
  • NullPointerException is thrown if one or more of the provided array members have null values, and c does not allow null elements.
  • IllegalPointerException is thrown if any array element prohibits it from being inserted into the parameter c.

Let’s have a look at an example.

import java.util.*;   
public class ArrayToListExample3  
  public static void main(String args[])   
    //creating an Array to be converted  
    String languageArray[] = { "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "Kotlin", "Java", "C++", "Ruby", "Swift", "Go"};   
    //prints the Array   
    System.out.println("Languages Array before conversion: "+ Arrays.toString(languageArray));   
    //method calling  
    List<String> langList = ArrayToListConversion(languageArray);   
    //print the List   
    System.out.println("Languages Array after conversion: " + langList);   
  //call to the generic method responsible for  converting Array into List  
  public static <T> List<T> ArrayToListConversion(T arr[])   
    //creating the constructor of thr List class  
    List<T> langList = new ArrayList<>();   
    //the method adds Array to the List  
    Collections.addAll(langList, languageArray);   
    //returns the langList  
    return langList;   

Using the Stream API in Java 8

The Stream API in Java 8 allows you to manipulate collections of objects. It’s a set of methods that can be piped together to get the desired outcome. It’s important to remember that the original data structure isn’t affected. It generates the output using pipelined methods. You can obtain the stream in a variety of ways. However, in the following example, we’ve used[]) to do it.

In an encounter method, the Collectors.toList() method returns a Collector that aggregates the input components into a newly generated List.

The syntax is as follows:

public static <K> Collector<K,?,List<K>> toList()  

Where K denotes the element type we’ve provided. The method does not provide type, mutability, thread safety, or serializability guarantees. Let’s utilize the Stream API to convert an array to a List in a Java program.

import java.util.*;   
public class ArrayToList 
  //call to the generic method responsible for  converting Array into List  
  public static <T> List<T> ArrayToListConversion(T arr[])   
    //is responsible for creating a list from the Array given and returns a corresponding List  
  public static void main(String args[])   
    //array creation to convert into a List  
    String languageArray[] = { "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "Kotlin", "Java", "C++", "Ruby", "Swift", "Go"};   
    //prints the Array before conversion  
    System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(languageArray));   
    //call to the method created above and storing the elements into the List object  
    List<String> langList = ArrayToListConversion(languageArray);   
    //prints the langList   
    System.out.println("List: " + langList);   

Using Guava Lists.newArrayList()

Guava Lists are a great way to organize your data. It belongs to the package and is a method of the Lists class. The newArrayList() method of the class generates a mutable empty ArrayList object with the elements of the supplied array.

The syntax is as follows:

public static <E> ArrayList<E> newArrayList(E... elements)

For Java 6 and previous versions, the newArrayList() method is available. It is deprecated in newer versions. We utilize the ArrayList constructor directly instead of the above technique.

import static*;   
import java.util.*;   
public class ArrayToList 
  public static void main(String args[])   
    //creation of an Array for conversion into a List  
    String languageArray[] = { "PHP", "JavaScript", "Python", "Kotlin", "Java", "C++", "Ruby", "Swift", "Go"};     
    //prints the Array before conversion  
    System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(languageArray));   
    //convert the Array to List   
    List<String> langList = ArrayToListConversion(languageArray);   
    //prints the langList   
    System.out.println("List: " + langList);   
  // Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
  public static <T> List<T> ArrayToListConversion(T arr[])   
    //creates a List from the specified Array   
    return Lists.newArrayList(languageArray);   

Examples: Using the Brute force approach

// Program for converting an Array to a List

import java.util.*;

class Codeunderscored {

	// Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
	public static <T> List<T> codeConvertArrayToList(T array[])

		// empty List creation
		List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();

		// Iterate through the array
		for (T t : array) {
			// Add each element into the list

		// Return the converted List
		return list;

	public static void main(String args[])
		// Create an Array
		String laptopsArray[]= { "Chromebook", "DELL", "Apple", "HP", "Toshiba" };

		// Print the Array
		System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(array laptopsArray

		// convert the Array to List
		List<String> laptopsList = convertArrayToList(laptopsArray);

		// Print the List
		System.out.println("List of Laptops: " + laptopsList);

Example: using Using Arrays.asList() Method

// Java Program to convert
// Array to List

import java.util.*;

class Codeunderscode {

	// Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
	public static <T> List<T> codeConvertArrayToList(T array[])

		// pass the array
 as parameter in the constructor to create the list
		List<T> list = Arrays.asList(array);

		// Return the converted List
		return list;

		public static void main(String args[])
		// Create an Array
		String laptopsArray[]= { "Chromebook", "DELL", "Apple", "HP", "Toshiba" };

		// Print the Array
		System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(array laptopsArray

		// convert the Array to List
		List<String> laptopsList = convertArrayToList(laptopsArray);

		// Print the List
		System.out.println("List of Laptops: " + laptopsList);

Example: Using Collections.addAll()

// Java Program to convert
// Array to List

import java.util.*;

class Codeunderscored {

// Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
	public static <T> List<T> codeConvertArrayToList(T array[])

		// pass the array
 as parameter in the constructor to create the list
		List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();

		// Add the array to list
		Collections.addAll(list, array);

		// Return the converted List
		return list;

		public static void main(String args[])
		// Create an Array
		String laptopsArray[]= { "Chromebook", "DELL", "Apple", "HP", "Toshiba" };

		// Print the Array
		System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(array laptopsArray

		// convert the Array to List
		List<String> laptopsList = convertArrayToList(laptopsArray);

		// Print the List
		System.out.println("List of Laptops: " + laptopsList);

Example: Using Using Java 8 Stream API

// Java Program to convert
// Array to List in Java 8

import java.util.*;

class Codeunderscored {

	// Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
	public static <T> List<T> codeConvertArrayToList(T array[])
		// list creation from an array

		public static void main(String args[])
		// Creation of an Array
		String laptopsArray[]= { "Chromebook", "DELL", "Apple", "HP", "Toshiba" };

		// Print the Array
		System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(array laptopsArray

		// convert the Array to List
		List<String> laptopsList = convertArrayToList(laptopsArray);

		// Print the List
		System.out.println("List of Laptops: " + laptopsList);


Example: Using Using Guava Lists.newArrayList()

// Java Program to convert
// Array to List in Java 8

import static*;

import java.util.*;

class Codeunderscored {

	// Generic function responsible for converting an array to a list
	public static <K> List<K> convertArrayToList(K array[])
		// creation of a list from the Array
		return Lists.newArrayList(array);

		public static void main(String args[])
		// Create an Array
		String laptopsArray[]= { "Chromebook", "DELL", "Apple", "HP", "Toshiba" };

		// Print the Array
		System.out.println("Array: "+ Arrays.toString(array laptopsArray

		// convert the Array to List
		List<String> laptopsList = convertArrayToList(laptopsArray);

		// Print the List
		System.out.println("List of Laptops: " + laptopsList);


An array points to a collection of similar-typed variables with a common name. Depending on the array’s definition, it can hold primitive data types and objects. The actual values of primitive data types are stored in contiguous memory regions. The real objects are stored in a heap section for objects of a class.

The collection has a child interface called List. It’s not just a sorted collection of objects, but it can also store duplicate values. In addition, the List supports positional access and insertion of members because the insertion order is preserved. Also, the ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, and Stack classes implement the List Interface.

The Java Arrays class has a few useful methods. Arrays.asList() is a utility method that allows us to convert an Array of objects to a List of objects. The examples we have covered in this article demonstrate how to convert an array to a list object. Other approaches you can use include: The native method, using Collections.addAll() method, using Java 8 Stream API, and using Guava Lists.newArrayList() Method.

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