Comments in Java

Comments in Java

Any software would be incomplete without comments. They aid the person viewing the code (usually you) in comprehending the program’s aim and functionality. You must develop the practice of always commenting on your code as you write it rather than afterward.

Top 25 Java Interview Questions

Top 25 Java Interview Questions

Java is one of the three fundamental technologies in the web world, as it is the most commonly used and deployed language. In 1991, James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, and Mike Sheridan created it. With its first-class functions, this high-level language has earned a name in the IT industry, promising a bright future for developers.

Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism in Java denotes an object’s capacity to take several forms. Simply put, polymorphism in Java enables us to accomplish the same function in various ways. In Java, any object passing more than one IS-A test is polymorphic. As a result of passing the IS-A test for their type and the class Object, all Java objects are polymorphic. Polymorphism in Java is divided into two kinds: compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism.

Java Data Types (with examples)

Java Data Types (with examples)

Java has many data types and operations, making it suited for various programming tasks. These are pretty helpful in all aspects of Java, whether you’re writing a simple program or developing a complex application or software. In Java, data the two core categories of types include Primitive Data and DataTypes that aren’t Primitive.

Java vs. Kotlin

Java vs. Kotlin

We’ll go over the fundamental differences between Java and Kotlin in this tutorial on the difference between Kotlin and Java. But first, let’s understand what Kotlin is before analyzing the differences between Kotlin and Java. as well as what Java is.