Abstract Class in Java

Abstract Class in Java

In Java, an abstract class is a superclass that cannot be instantiated and is used to declare or specify general properties. A Java abstract class is not applicable in creating an object; attempting to do so will result in a compiler error. The keyword abstract is used to declare the abstract class.

How to reverse a String in Java

How to reverse a String in Java

A string denotes a sequence of characters considered an object in Java. In this language, there are multiple operations that you can carry out on the String object. One of the most general operations on a string object is String Reverse, which we will tackle in this article. Journey along with us as we show you a few approaches to Reverse a String in Java.

Java Array tool (with examples)

Java Array tool (with examples)

In Java, the array object is used to store several pieces of information. This utility sequentially assigns certain memory regions based on the array size. In Java, an array object can hold any form of primitive or non-primitive data. That is, it can hold a list of integers, strings, objects, and so on. As a result, all of the values in an array can be data of a specific datatype. In some programming languages, the index value of an array starts at 0. In Java, you can declare both single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. Using an array, you may easily arrange and sort a list of data.

Using If statements in Java

Using If statements in Java

Decision Making in Java is the source of creating decision-driven statements and executing a specific set of code in response to specified situations. The most straightforward basic decision-making statement in Java is the if statement. It is used to determine if a statement or a block of statements will be executed or not, i.e., if a condition is true, a block of statements will be executed, otherwise not.

How to call a Method in Java

How to call a Method in Java

A method in Java refers to a group of lines that performs a single action or operation. It is commonly used because it allows code to be reused, which implies that you can write once and use it many times. It also allows for easy customization.
Upon calling the given method, it will carry out the specified work as soon as the compiler can read the name.