PyTorch Rsqrt()

PyTorch Rsqrt()

The rsqrt() method in PyTorch calculates the square root reciprocal of each input tensor member. Tensors with real and complex values are both acceptable. The square root of a negative number’s reciprocal is returned as “NaN” (not a number), and “inf” is returned as zero. The reciprocal of the square root of an input number is calculated mathematically using the following formula.

Seaborn Heatmap Size

Seaborn Heatmap Size

A heatmap is used to create a visual depiction of a matrix. It draws a matrix on the graph, with different color hues representing different values. We can utilize the seaborn to generate heatmap plots in the seaborn module.heatmap() function. The default size of the plot may not provide a good picture of the data when depicting a huge matrix.

Python Exit Codes

Python Exit Codes

Sys.exit() allows you to set an exit code for a process and the exit code attribute on the multiprocessing.Process class will enable you to access the exit code. In this article, you will learn how to get and set exit codes for processes in Python.