Abstract Class in Java

Abstract Class in Java

In Java, an abstract class is a superclass that cannot be instantiated and is used to declare or specify general properties. A Java abstract class is not applicable in creating an object; attempting to do so will result in a compiler error. The keyword abstract is used to declare the abstract class.

How to reverse a String in Java

How to reverse a String in Java

A string denotes a sequence of characters considered an object in Java. In this language, there are multiple operations that you can carry out on the String object. One of the most general operations on a string object is String Reverse, which we will tackle in this article. Journey along with us as we show you a few approaches to Reverse a String in Java.

Java Array tool (with examples)

Java Array tool (with examples)

In Java, the array object is used to store several pieces of information. This utility sequentially assigns certain memory regions based on the array size. In Java, an array object can hold any form of primitive or non-primitive data. That is, it can hold a list of integers, strings, objects, and so on. As a result, all of the values in an array can be data of a specific datatype. In some programming languages, the index value of an array starts at 0. In Java, you can declare both single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. Using an array, you may easily arrange and sort a list of data.

Using If statements in Java

Using If statements in Java

Decision Making in Java is the source of creating decision-driven statements and executing a specific set of code in response to specified situations. The most straightforward basic decision-making statement in Java is the if statement. It is used to determine if a statement or a block of statements will be executed or not, i.e., if a condition is true, a block of statements will be executed, otherwise not.

How to call a Method in Java

How to call a Method in Java

A method in Java refers to a group of lines that performs a single action or operation. It is commonly used because it allows code to be reused, which implies that you can write once and use it many times. It also allows for easy customization.
Upon calling the given method, it will carry out the specified work as soon as the compiler can read the name.

Illegal start of expression in Java

Illegal start of expression in Java

The illegal start of an expression is a java error during the compile-time with the “javac” compiler. When the compiler detects that a statement does not follow the syntax rules of the java programming language, an illegal start of expression error message is displayed. These errors can occur due to so many reasons. In most cases, they are straightforward to solve as long as you can locate the line of code with the error. It can be as simple as caused by an omitting closing or opening bracket or a missing semicolon at the end of a line.

Functions in java

Functions in java

The goal of every programmer is to save time in both programming and debugging. However, there comes a time when you write hundreds of lines of code. It’s very frustrating having to repeat the same code now and then. It is more frustrating when your code gets some error, and you will need to debug the whole program.

Python vs Java: Object Oriented Programming

Python vs Java: Object Oriented Programming

Python and Java are two among the famous languages for programming- they are both excellent and widely used. Despite their differences, they are both notable for their vast libraries and robust cross-platform support. They do, however, excel in a variety of applications. It’s crucial to understand the fundamental distinctions before deciding which programming language is best (if there is one). As a result, this article will evaluate both languages based on their popularity, syntax, applications, stability, speed, performance, and ease of learning! Furthermore, to thoroughly comprehend how Python and Java differ from one another, we will show code examples from both languages.

How to convert string to integer in Java

How to convert string to integer in Java

I was in the process of creating a simple calculator in java using Swing. My input fields include JTextFieald and JTextArea. These input fields are String, but I needed to deal with Integers in a calculator due to the mathematical calculations. This led me to thoughts of how I would be able to convert these Strings into integers?  That’s when I came across these two beneficial methods. The Integer.parseInt() and Interger.valueOf().

Iterators in Java

Iterators in Java

If you are a newbie to Java or even an experienced programmer, you may face a situation where you need to transverse through all the elements of a collection, display the elements one by one, or even retrieve each of the elements. This is where your knowledge of iterators will be at the test.

Recursion in Java

Recursion in Java

Recursion is the core of programming and is used in many related concepts like sorting, tree traversal, and graphs. In addition, recursion has a wide variety of uses in data structures and algorithms, and even though it is a complex concept, it can be used to make the task easier.