How to add data to a list in Python

How to add data to a list in Python

Python lists are one of the most common and popular data structure of python. Almost every python programmer uses them for writing great programs in python. Python lists are almost similar to the vectors in C++ or arrays in Javascript. Lists are mutable, which makes them editable after creation. Lists can contain elements like numbers, strings, dictionaries, tuple, boolean, lists, and any other python object.

How to work with Files in Python

How to work with Files in Python

You might be familiar with the Python programming language’s common traits, like it being general-purpose, high-level, and interpreted. However, the emphasis that stuck out with this programming languageā€™s design philosophy is its code readability. When interacting with Python in a programming environment, you will find yourself using many white spaces to make its code as clear and direct as possible for anyone to comprehend what it is trying to achieve.

How to install Python on Linux

How to install Python on Linux

The legend of the Python programming language continues to speak for itself. Its popularity makes it the most sort-after programming language. We can definitely agree that Python is slowly becoming the jack of all trades due to its numerous applicability. Both web and mobile developers are embracing their addiction to this programming language. Moreover, its bold entrance into the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) parades more praises to its potential.

How to Format Terminal Using Python’s Rich Library

How to Format Terminal Using Python’s Rich Library

Python Rich Library is a great library for writing text with color and style them in the terminal. It can be used to display tables, markdowns, progress bars, and syntax-highlighted code in the terminal. Though the library is not too old and the first version was released on 10 November 2019, it gained high popularity in the python community and Github.