Doubly-linked Lists in Python

Doubly-linked Lists in Python

Doubly linked lists are different from singly-linked lists because travel is both ways. The key differentiating factors in a doubly-linked list are the first and last elements because they perform a critical role in this data structure’s function. Therefore, it is common to hear of data being carried from two connecting fields, which are previous and the next.

How to Plot a Bar Graph Using Python matplotlib Library

How to Plot a Bar Graph Using Python matplotlib Library

Data Visualization is one of the most important things for a data scientist or anyone working or analyzing data. Visual data is easier to understand by a person than raw data, so it is more important to visualize data while performing presentations or analyzing data. We can also take out powerful insights from the raw data if visualized adequately.

How to reverse a string in Python

How to reverse a string in Python

Under the Python programming language domain, a String is defined as character data presented in an ordered sequence. What is character data? When you are working on an office suite software or word processing app, the bottom of the screen or monitor you are using always keeps a record of the word count and characters. Anything that you type on the Keyboard and is displayed on the interface of this word software or even a source code editor qualifies as the definition of character data.

How to create and read QR Codes using Python

How to create and read QR Codes using Python

QR codes are an important part of today’s world. They are used in many modern applications to store large data visually easily. They are nowadays used in many money transaction apps for easily getting the information by scanning the QR Code. They are also used by applications to give authentication to another device by scanning the Code easily.

How to Loop in Python

How to Loop in Python

Python is not just any programming language; it is general-purpose, high-level, and interpreted. Many coding enthusiasts and developers are turning to Python because of its remarkable design philosophy. It strongly purports code readability through its significant use of notable whitespace. Therefore, this article seeks to explore the effectiveness of the Python programming language in looping useful code. The world of computing defines a loop as a controlled flow of iterations.

How to collect data from the Web using BeautifulSoup

How to collect data from the Web using BeautifulSoup

Web scraping is one of the most trending topics these days. Due to the advent of Big Data for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Web scraping has become an essential tool to collect as much data as possible from the modern web. Python is a great programming language that can be used for collecting data from the web. We have many libraries like selenium, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy that can be used for mining the web and collect data.

Python if else Statement Explained with examples

Python if else Statement Explained with examples

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the python if/else statements, which will help us deal with decision making in our python program. We will also look at some practical examples to see how it works. To follow this tutorial, you need to have python installed in your system; if you don’t have python installed, you can follow our guide on installing python on Linux.

How to Sort a List in Python

How to Sort a List in Python

Python lists are one of the most powerful and useful data structures. We can use lists to store data in a sequential way as we do with arrays in javascript or vectors in C++. In this tutorial, we will learn how to sort a list in python. We will use the sort() method of the python list and the python’s built-in sorted() function to sort the list and see some hands-on examples on customizing the sorting as our requirements.

How to Check Python Version in Linux

How to Check Python Version in Linux

The knowledge of the correct version of python is important for many tasks. For example, we may want to install a library that requires a specific version of python to check if our system has that version already installed. For example, in the Terminal formatting tutorial using rich, we have learned about a library called rich, which is used for terminal formatting in python. Still, the library requires Python 3.6.1 or later installed in the system.

What is Python, and what is it used for?

What is Python, and what is it used for?

As of 2017, Python joined the top 10 slots that defined popular programming languages in the world. This reference is a direct quote from the TIOBE Programming Community Index. As of now, Python is among the top 3 candidates on this list. However, this mileage defines Python as the most uncomfortable programming language. Reason? Being top 3 is not enough as it wants to be the only top candidate.