Serialization in Django

Serialization in Django

A serialization class will convert a model into JSON data which is so essential to saving data in an easily transferable format, for instance, saving data in a flash drive. In addition, serializers in the Django REST Framework are in charge of transforming objects into data types that JavaScript and front-end frameworks can understand.

Signals in Django

Signals in Django

Signals are used to do any action in response to a model instance being modified. Signals are tools that assist us in connecting occurrences to actions. We can create a function that will execute when a signal is received. In other words, Signals are used to respond to the alteration or creation of a specific database entry.

Integration tests in Django

Integration tests in Django

Unlike unit testing, where we test individual components, Integration testing is a more extensive test that targets entire applications. It combines different sections of code functionality to make sure that they behave correctly. So, we use unit testing to test individual components; then, we use integration testing to test the integration of these components.

Unit tests in Django

Unit tests in Django

Manual testing of websites becomes more difficult as they expand in size. Not only is there more to test, but as component relationships become more complicated, a slight change in one area might influence other areas. The latter will necessitate more testing to guarantee everything continues to operate and no mistakes are created as more changes are made.

Django authentication with LinkedIn

Django authentication with LinkedIn

Social Authentication (or Social Login) is a method of simplifying end-user logins by utilizing current login information from prominent social networking services like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and LinkedIn, which is the subject of this article. Most websites require users to log in using social login platforms for a better authentication/registration experience instead of establishing their systems.

How to integrate OAuth2 into Django

How to integrate OAuth2 into Django

While pip recognizes hundreds of OAuth 2 packages, only a few perform what they’re meant to do. So, after having user authentication in place. You now want your users to be able to log in using Twitter, Facebook, or Google. It’s no problem. You’re just a few lines of code away from accomplishing your goal. This tutorial will show you Python Social Auth to incorporate OAuth 2 into your Django or Django Rest Framework.