upload and download files using flask

How to upload and download files using Flask

Flask is one of the most popular frameworks for backend development. It is a microframework based on the python programming language. Instead, a micro-framework Flask is very powerful and is highly extensible. Since Python is popular for Machine Learning and Data Science, Flask is hugely used to serve Machine Learning and Data Science related apps. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a file uploader and file downloader using Flask.

Creating HTML forms

Beginner guide to creating HTML forms

Html forms are one of the most important HTML tags for interacting with the user. They are used to taking input from the user, and most commonly, the inputs were sent to the server-side for further processing. Forms are used to build contact pages, login pages, etc., on a site. We can collect different types of data using forms such as email addresses, usernames, passwords, phone numbers, credit card numbers, etc. To build an Html form, we need to use the

tag element of Html.

Getting Started with NodeJS

Getting Started with Node.js

Node Js is one of the most popular server-side frameworks. Many companies are adopting node.js as their server-side language for developing their web applications. Some popular examples are Paypal, YouTube, Amazon, Walmart, Reddit, Netflix, etc. In this tutorial, we will learn the basics of getting started with Node Js. So let us proceed with our tutorial by looking at the benefits of using Node Js.