Getting Started with Node.js

Getting Started with Node.js

Node Js is one of the most popular server-side frameworks. Many companies are adopting node.js as their server-side language for developing their web applications. Some popular examples are Paypal, YouTube, Amazon, Walmart, Reddit, Netflix, etc. In this tutorial, we will learn the basics of getting started with Node Js. So let us proceed with our tutorial by looking at the benefits of using Node Js.

Calculating Factorial in C++

Calculating Factorial in C++

We will use C++ to write programs to calculate the factorial of a number. We will take the number as an input from the user and then print the factorial of that number in the console. We will use two methods to calculate the factorial of the number, the first is by performing iteration with the help of loops, and the second is by using recursion.

Working with C++ Arrays

Working with C++ Arrays

Arrays in C++ are one of the most important user-defined data types in C++. They can be used to store a large amount of data of the same data type sequentially. C++ also supports N-Dimensional arrays that can be used for problem-solving in scientific computing. For example, we can use the 2-Dimensional array of C++ to create a matrix, and they have wide usage in NLP, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. If you want to know more about the basics of c++ arrays, you can follow our step-by-step beginner guide on arrays in C++.

How to find the second largest value of a Python List

How to find the second largest value of a Python List

Python list is one of the most useful data structures of Python. It is very similar to the arrays in Javascript and C++. However, like the multidimensional arrays, we can also create multidimensional lists known as nested lists. In this tutorial, we discussed four amazing methods for finding the second largest number of a python list.

How to add a dark mode toggle on your website

How to add a dark mode toggle on your website

Dark themes are one of the most popular concepts in modern design. They are used in many modern Android applications, Desktop applications, and Web applications. You can find several graphics-oriented websites using the dark theme concept in their design. Dark themes give our eyes a little bit of relaxation, and it’s also easy to read the text. While dark themes are great, many peoples do not like the dark concept and prefer the light theme design.

How to Plot a Bar Graph Using Python matplotlib Library

How to Plot a Bar Graph Using Python matplotlib Library

Data Visualization is one of the most important things for a data scientist or anyone working or analyzing data. Visual data is easier to understand by a person than raw data, so it is more important to visualize data while performing presentations or analyzing data. We can also take out powerful insights from the raw data if visualized adequately.

How to create and read QR Codes using Python

How to create and read QR Codes using Python

QR codes are an important part of today’s world. They are used in many modern applications to store large data visually easily. They are nowadays used in many money transaction apps for easily getting the information by scanning the QR Code. They are also used by applications to give authentication to another device by scanning the Code easily.

How to collect data from the Web using BeautifulSoup

How to collect data from the Web using BeautifulSoup

Web scraping is one of the most trending topics these days. Due to the advent of Big Data for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Web scraping has become an essential tool to collect as much data as possible from the modern web. Python is a great programming language that can be used for collecting data from the web. We have many libraries like selenium, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy that can be used for mining the web and collect data.

Python if else Statement Explained with examples

Python if else Statement Explained with examples

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the python if/else statements, which will help us deal with decision making in our python program. We will also look at some practical examples to see how it works. To follow this tutorial, you need to have python installed in your system; if you don’t have python installed, you can follow our guide on installing python on Linux.

How to Sort a List in Python

How to Sort a List in Python

Python lists are one of the most powerful and useful data structures. We can use lists to store data in a sequential way as we do with arrays in javascript or vectors in C++. In this tutorial, we will learn how to sort a list in python. We will use the sort() method of the python list and the python’s built-in sorted() function to sort the list and see some hands-on examples on customizing the sorting as our requirements.

How to Check Python Version in Linux

How to Check Python Version in Linux

The knowledge of the correct version of python is important for many tasks. For example, we may want to install a library that requires a specific version of python to check if our system has that version already installed. For example, in the Terminal formatting tutorial using rich, we have learned about a library called rich, which is used for terminal formatting in python. Still, the library requires Python 3.6.1 or later installed in the system.