How to Set up a Complete Django Project Skeleton

How to Set up a Complete Django Project Skeleton

The world of web applications, services, and software was somewhat dull and reserved for the elite developers until the famed Django Framework showed up. Django is what we can describe as the jack of all trades in the web design and development world. Whether you are after an API, web app, web service, etc., you won’t regret the consideration of going with this resourceful framework.

How to reverse a string in Python

How to reverse a string in Python

Under the Python programming language domain, a String is defined as character data presented in an ordered sequence. What is character data? When you are working on an office suite software or word processing app, the bottom of the screen or monitor you are using always keeps a record of the word count and characters. Anything that you type on the Keyboard and is displayed on the interface of this word software or even a source code editor qualifies as the definition of character data.

How to use Bootstrap 4 Forms with Django

How to use Bootstrap 4 Forms with Django

This tutorial fuses two powerful approaches to make your web app creation adventure as easy and painless as possible. If you are a passionate web developer or designer, then the terms Bootstrap and Django have at one point crossed your mind. Django is a fully-fledged framework, while Bootstrap is a fully-fledged tool kit or library. If it were up to some of us, Bootstrap would get the needed upgrade and armor to function as a framework fully. However, those powers are out of our reach.

How to Loop in Python

How to Loop in Python

Python is not just any programming language; it is general-purpose, high-level, and interpreted. Many coding enthusiasts and developers are turning to Python because of its remarkable design philosophy. It strongly purports code readability through its significant use of notable whitespace. Therefore, this article seeks to explore the effectiveness of the Python programming language in looping useful code. The world of computing defines a loop as a controlled flow of iterations.

How to use Django’s built-in Login System

How to use Django’s built-in Login System

In our previous Django tutorial, we learned how to install this web framework on your Windows devices and create our first Django project by simply running a few commands. As you might know by now, Django provides programmers with rapid development features, and thus, you won’t have to spend your precious time reinventing the wheels. As such, this web framework also comes with its own built-in login system that we’ll teach you how to use in this article.

10 Tips for Beginners getting started with Django

10 Tips for Beginners getting started with Django

Django is keen on adhering to the MVC (Model View Controller) convention that many frameworks follow. However, the framework is keen on working with its own control rules. Since the control you need when dealing with your Django apps is not isolated, Django is sometimes called an MVT application with the View component bridging the Model component and Template component of your apps.

What is Python, and what is it used for?

What is Python, and what is it used for?

As of 2017, Python joined the top 10 slots that defined popular programming languages in the world. This reference is a direct quote from the TIOBE Programming Community Index. As of now, Python is among the top 3 candidates on this list. However, this mileage defines Python as the most uncomfortable programming language. Reason? Being top 3 is not enough as it wants to be the only top candidate.